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Become a Student Volunteer Worker

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The deadline to sign up and receive free registration to CERF 2015 has passed.
Thank you to all who have volunteered.

Undergraduate and graduate student members may apply to work at CERF 2015 as a student volunteer in exchange for reimbursement for $180 in conference registration fees. Typically, student volunteers will help out at registration, serve as session room monitors, assist with signage and poster hall set-up and break-down, and other general conference support. Interested students may apply when
completing the online conference registration form.

  • Student Volunteers work two (2) half-day shifts (up to 6 hours each shift).
  • Registration fees must be paid at the time of registering online. Reimbursement checks will be available at the registration desk and can be picked up after completion of volunteer duties.
  • Students Volunteers must be current student members of CERF.
  • There are a limited number of spots available. Applications are awarded first-come, first-served.

Volunteer Mentors Needed!

Student & Recent Graduate Career Networking Dinner

Help advise students on career opportunities on Monday, November 9 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at a free, informal dinner. Career panelists will be stationed at a table in a speed-dating style, where students and recent graduates will join them for a set amount of time to talk and ask questions, and then switch tables to interact with a new career panelist. 

The deadline to volunteer has now passed. Thank you to all who have volunteered.

Mentoring Program

This program is for "novice" meeting attendees, whether they are students, recent graduates, or just attendees who are new to CERF. We hope to match these attendees one-on-one with a “seasoned” professional who can help them make the most of their first CERF conference. Learn More

Conference Photographer

CERF is seeking the services of an experienced photographer to take images at the conference, and would like to extend the offer to a student in exchange for conference registration. Interested parties should submit sample works showcasing their capabilities to [email protected] to be considered for this offer.

The photographer will need to provide their own equipment and will be expected to spend 4 hours of the conference each day capturing images that reflect a wide range of activities. Further information on expectations will be sent to serious applicants.

Here's what other Student Volunteers reported about their volunteer experience at the CERF 2013 Conference:

"I am really grateful for the opportunity to be a volunteer. It made me even more involved in the whole conference."

"The opportunity to have registration fees waived by participating as a student volunteer is EXCELLENT. Thank-you to conference organizers for maintaining this crucial element. Had it not been for that opportunity I would not have been able to attend the conference."

"I have volunteered for every CERF Conference I have attended, and this one was great to work at."

“The Student Worker Volunteer program is awesome! They did their best to accommodate my requests for working in sessions I had an interest in.  It was also a great way to meet other students and conference organizers.”

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