Thank you for a wonderful conference!
Thank you to all who were able to join us for CERF 2015. We are already looking forward to seeing you in Providence, RI for CERF 2017. Reminisce on all of the good times you had by looking through the CERF 2015 Flickr album. Thank you, Aaron Eger, for the wonderful photography.

Online Registration is Now Closed
Walk-ins are welcome and will be accepted onsite at the Oregon Convention Center. Please see the registration desk onsite at the conference for changes to existing registrations and the purchase of additional ticketed events. Registration Desk Hours:
Sunday, 8 November................1:00 – 6:30 pm Monday, 9 November...............7:00 am – 5:00 pm Tuesday, 10 November.............7:30 am – 5:00 pm Wednesday, 11 November.........7:30 am – 5:00 pm Thursday, 12 November............7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Getting the Most Out of CERF 2015
1. Have a Plan. You can’t do it all, so prioritize. What is it that you most want to get out of the conference? Is it learning about the science? Learning about other programs in your field? Meeting certain people? Prioritize where you want to be and when. Which sessions? Which posters? Which exhibits? Who do you really want to talk to? Download the app for the full text of abstracts or Program PDF and start planning!
2. Attend sessions. In addition to learning the science, observe other speakers and learn how to give strong presentations. Think about what makes one presentation better than another. Also, don’t be shy about questioning the speakers about points you’re especially interested in or would like clarified. In fact, you’re actually doing the speakers a favor by asking questions.
3. Meet people! In addition to learning about science and management, the other great benefit of this conference is meeting new colleagues and renewing relationships.
• Be approachable. Don’t spend all your time outside of conference sessions using your phone or immersed in reading material. By looking around you and looking open and engaged, you’ll make it more likely that someone else looking for someone to talk to will approach you • Don’t be afraid to approach people yourself. Conferences are filled with people hoping to meet someone to talk to. You don’t even need an excuse; you can simply walk up and introduce yourself and ask about the other person and their work. Even the big stars of your field are “regular people” – talk to them! • Participate in social events. Go to the functions that are offered – these often are the best times to meet with people. • Practice introducing yourself in one sentence. You’re going to be doing this over and over when you meet new people, and you want it to be polished • If you have business cards, use them. If you get business cards from others, take a moment after you part to write down a few words about your conversation. That way weeks or months later you’ll be able to remember who was who rather than having a stack of business cards with mysterious names on them.
And what will you talk to them about, you ask?
1) what kind of career options are out there and what it takes to be successful in a particular career track/field/institution 2) what life is like in specific career tracks 3) what other graduate programs are like 4) getting feedback on your research or ideas for your future research 5) sharing tips on best practices 6) getting advice on the many nuances of graduate school/post docs/getting jobs 7) planting the seed for future collaboration 8) inviting others to come visit your institution (to give talks) or eventually get invited yourself 9) learn how to get more involved with CERF 10) learn more about how professional societies operate and what they have to offer (including CERF and its affiliates)
4. Have fun. CERF Conferences can be great fun. Take advantage of the opportunities. Have fun, but not too much. Don’t forget that someday you may be applying for a job with the person on the barstool next to you. Leave a good impression.
5. Follow up. After the conference, follow up with people that you met. Email them to let them know you enjoyed meeting them and perhaps reference something you talked about.
Are these tips helpful? If so, pass on these tips to your friends who were not able to attend the orientation.
Questions regarding the conference that may come up later? Ask at the registration desk, post questions on the CERF Facebook page, or tweet them to @CERFScience. Or just stop a fellow CERFer and see if they might be able to help!
Stay Updated with CERF on Social Media
Download the CERF 2015 Social Media Guide! Stay informed about what is happening with the conference and join conversations by following us on Twitter and liking us on Facebook! Plus, enter to win the CERF 2015 Haiku Contest!
Post photos, live-tweet, and follow sessions and events at the conference using #CERF2015 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Bonus Hashtags at #CERF2015: Contribute to the conversation on our 7 Grand Challenges!
● Managing and mitigating the risks of climate change: #CERFclimate ● Synergistic effects of ocean acidification with hypoxia, eutrophication or other conditions: #CERFacidification ● Polar estuaries and coasts: #CERFpolar ● Making data work: #CERFdata ● Cities by the sea: #CERFcities ● Estuaries under threat: #CERFthreats ● Multiple uses: #CERFmultiple
Don't forget to pick up your TriMet MAX Light Rail Pass!
All registered attendees of 2015 CERF Conference will be eligible to receive one complimentary TriMet MAX Light Rail pass at the CERF registration desk located in the Oregon Convention Center. Your MAX Light Rail pass will be valid through the dates of the convention, plus one extra day to allow you to travel back to the airport. MAX Light Rail is Portland's efficient light-rail system which connects the metro area, Portland International Airport, and the downtown core. To get to the Oregon Convention Center using MAX Light Rail prior to picking up your pass, you will need to purchase an Adult TriMet Ticket - the current rate is $2.50 for a 2 hour ticket, or $5 for an all-day ticket.
• Your TriMet transit pass is valid upon receipt. Your pass will be waiting for you in your name badge at registration. • Please carry your transit pass with you at all times • There is no validation, stamping, ticket exchange, or additional step needed before riding public transportation • The pass is valid on busses, MAX light rail and streetcars in the city of Portland • For information on routes, schedules or instructions in other languages visit • If you do not have a valid pass, the fine is $175 • If you lose your pass, the fare for an Adult TriMet ticket is $2.50/2 hours or $5.00/day
Learn more about traveling from Portland International Airport to downtown Portland and the Oregon Convention Center.
Read more on traveling around Portland and schedule information.
Calling all students, recent graduates, and early career professionals...
#CERFstudents Exciting activities and opportunities await at CERF 2015!
CERF strives to foster an inclusive and welcoming community with a particular focus on the professional development of students and recent graduates. The CERF 2015 conference includes diverse programming aimed at addressing the unique needs of students and recent graduates. Learn more about the many opportunities we've lined up for you!
CERF Needs Student Judges
Remember when you were an undergraduate or graduate student and went to meetings excited about your research and the research of others who you met? Remember when you were eligible to win an award for best presentation? CERF2015 needs you to help us with judging student presentations in order to provide the best experience for our students. Last meeting there were over 300 students that were eligible for presentation awards and needed to be judged. Please consider being a judge and make a difference with our young scientists! For more information, contact Lora Harris and Marty Chintala. Don’t forget to stop by the judging table at registration!
Grand Challenges in Coastal and Estuarine Science
The CERF 2015 scientific program offers four days of timely, exciting and diverse information on a vast array of estuarine and coastal subjects. Presentations will examine new findings within CERF’s traditional scientific, education and management disciplines and encourage interaction among coastal and estuarine scientists and managers. Additionally, the Scientific Program Committee plans to convene special sessions and workshops that promote intellectually stimulating discussions of the Grand Challenges in Coastal and Estuarine Science:
Managing and mitigating the risks of climate change
Synergistic effects of ocean acidification with hypoxia, eutrophication or other conditions
Polar estuaries and coasts
Making data work
Cities by the sea
Estuaries under threat
Multiple uses
Who attends CERF's Conference?
CERF will convene about 1,400 scientists, managers and professionals in government, business, nonprofit and related organizations, and graduate students. From North America's coastal states and provinces, as well as from more than 20 countries around the world, CERF conference attendees are scientists and managers who conduct research and observe/manage change within a variety of global coastal and estuarine habitats. No matter your career level or specific industry, you are sure to meet many individuals with interests similar to your own.