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Fri Mar 28, 2025ASLO 2025 Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Category: Partner Meetings
Sat Mar 29, 2025ASLO 2025 Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Category: Partner Meetings
Sun Mar 30, 2025ASLO 2025 Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Category: Partner Meetings
Mon Mar 31, 2025ASLO 2025 Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Category: Partner Meetings
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Oral Sessions Schedule 

Get ready for four days of timely, exciting and diverse information on a vast array of estuarine and coastal subjects. Presentations will examine new findings within CERF’s traditional scientific, education and management disciplines and encourage interaction among coastal and estuarine scientists and managers. 

View the most up-to-date schedule of oral and poster sessions by downloading the conference mobile app

Quick Skip:
Day 1 | Monday, 11/9
Day 2 | Tuesday, 11/10
Day 3 | Wednesday, 11/11
Day 4 | Thursday, 11/12


Day 1 | Monday, November 9 

8:00 - 9:45 AM

Tropicalisation of temperate coastlines and estuaries: mechanisms and consequences

SCI-101A | Room A 105

Mud, macrofauna and microbes:  an ode to benthic organism-abiotic interactions at varying scales

SCI-102A | Room A 106

Explaining drivers of change in riverine and estuarine water quality

SCI-103A | Room A 107-109


Estuarine acidification: embracing and synthesizing complexity

SCI-104A | Room B 110-112


Fish as integrators of ecosystem health in coastal watersheds

SCI-105A | Room B 113


Role of historical use and cultural values in tribal and first nation governance, research and restoration

SCI-106A | Room B 114


Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuaries and coastal seas

SCI-107A | Room B 115


Integrating undergraduate research experiences in coastal and estuarine research

SCI-108 | Room B 116


Using surface elevation dynamics to manage and mitigate the risks of climate change on coastal wetlands

SCI-109 | Room B 117-119


Seagrass ecosystems: challenges in evaluating function, health, abundance and restoration (Restoration)

SCI-110A | Room C 120-122
10:15 - 12:00 PM

Tropicalisation of temperate coastlines and estuaries: mechanisms and consequences

SCI-101B | Room A 105

Mud, macrofauna and microbes: an ode to benthic organism-abiotic interactions at varying scales

SCI-102B | Room A 106

Explaining drivers of change in riverine and estuarine water quality

SCI-103B | Room A 107-109

Estuarine acidification: embracing and synthesizing complexity

SCI-104B | Room A 110-112

Coastal habitat connections to offshore fisheries productivity

SCI-112A | Room B 113

Role of historical use and cultural values in tribal and first nation governance, research and restoration

SCI-106B | Room B 114


Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuaries and coastal seas

SCI-107B | Room B 115

Successful undergraduate research experiences

SCI-114 | Room B 116

Integrated studies on storm-induced coastal change

SCI-115 | Room B 117-119

Seagrass ecosystems: challenges in evaluating function, health, abundance and restoration (Mapping)

SCI-110B | Room C 120-122

1:30 - 3:00 PM

Tropicalisation of temperate coastlines and estuaries: mechanisms and consequences

SCI-101C | Room A 105

Mud, macrofauna and microbes:  an ode to benthic organism-abiotic interactions at varying scales

SCI-102C | Room A 106

Explaining drivers of change in riverine and estuarine water quality

SCI-103C | Room A 107-109


Estuarine acidification: embracing and synthesizing complexity

SCI-104C | Room A 112-112 


Coastal habitat connections to offshore fisheries productivity

SCI-112B | Room B 113 

Modeling Louisiana's 2017 Coastal Master Plan

SCI-116 | Room B 114  

Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuaries and coastal seas

SCI-107C | Room B 115  

Successful science story-telling for coastal resilience 

SCI-117 | Room B 116 

Climate change and estuarine waters: drivers, impacts, and implications

SCI-118 | Room B 117-119 

Seagrass ecosystems: challenges in evaluating function, health, abundance and restoration (Mapping)

SCI-110C | Room C 120-122

Day 2 | Tuesday, November 10

8:00 - 9:45 AM

Crossing the divide: bringing science and management together to address impacts from climate change on coastal communities SCI-119A | Room A 105

Mud, macrofauna and microbes:  an ode to benthic organism-abiotic interactions at varying scales

SCI-102D | Room A 106

Numerical investigation of climate impacts on estuarine and coastal systems

SCI-120 | Room A 107-109

Biogeochemical stressors in vegetated habitats: exploring climate change mitigation

SCI-121 | Room B 110-112


Salted or unsalted? Linking Great Lakes and coastal ocean studies

SCI-122 | Room B 113 

Grand challenges in marine and estuarine spatial planning around the world: common issues and different approaches (joint ECSA-CERF session)

SCI-123 | Room B 114

Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuaries and coastal seas

SCI-107D | Room B 115

Place-based research, stewardship, and education with application to estuarine management

SCI-124 | Room B 116

Responses of salt marshes to sea level rise

SCI-125A | Room B 117-119

Seagrass ecosystems: challenges in evaluating function, health, abundance and restoration (Health)

SCI-110D | Room C 120-122

10:15 - 12:00 PM

Crossing the divide: bringing science and management together to address impacts from climate change on coastal communities SCI-119B | Room A 105

Lessons learned from 25 years of international collaboration in LOICZ

SCI-126 | Room A 106

Numerical modeling of estuarine and coastal systems

SCI-127 | Room A 107-109


Adaptation and mitigation of ocean acidification and hypoxia: research and management  SCI-128 | Room A 110-112

Climate change in the Chesapeake and other coastal systems

SCI-129 | Room B 113

Understanding Gulf Coast estuarine and deltaic benthic ecology for restoration

SCI-130 | Room B 114

Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuaries and coastal seas

SCI-107E | Room B 115

Casting the net widely: expanding the reach of broader impacts

SCI-131 | Room B 116

Responses of salt marshes to sea level rise

SCI-125B | Room B 117-119


Securing the future of seagrass ecosystems impacted by coastal development

SCI-132 | Room B 120-122

1:30 - 3:00 PM

Developing long-term management plans for estuarine waters: where science and management meet

SCI-133 | Room A 105 

Connectivity between Arctic lagoons and adjacent ecosystems: nutrients to nekton

SCI-134 | Room A 106


Macroalgal blooms on the rise: renew our knowledge

SCI-135 | Room A 107-109


Coastal ocean acidification: using models to integrate multiple stresses

SCI-136 | Room B 110-112 


Lagoons without borders: international approaches to challenges in lagoon science and management

SCI-137 | Room B 113


Data driving Louisiana’s river diversion projects, planning through adaptive management

SCI-138 | Room B 114 

Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuaries and coastal seas

SCI-107F | Room B 115 

Artistic pathways to scientific understanding

SCI-139 | Room B 116 

Responses of salt marshes to sea level rise

SCI-125C | Room B 117-119 


What influences dissolved oxygen patterns in estuarine waters of the Pacific Northwest?

SCI-140 | Room C 120-122

Day 3 | Wednesday, November 11

8:00 - 9:45 AM

Incorporating climate change in regulatory frameworks and conservation planning

SCI-141 | Room A 105  


Coastal blue carbon ecosystems: current science and application to management efforts

SCI-142A | Room A 106   

The Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act: accomplishments and remaining challenges

SCI-143A | Room A 107-109

Ocean acidification and hypoxia: mechanisms for linking science to management and policy

SCI-144 | Room B 110-112 

Shellfish as a multiple use resource: activities, conflicts, and planning for resolution

SCI-145A | Room B 113  

Chemical biomarkers in aquatic ecosystems

SCI-146 | Room B 114 


SCI-147 | Room B 115 


Defining reference conditions in estuarine and coastal systems 

SCI-148 | Room B 116  


Long-term research in the California Current’s coastal ocean SCI-149 | Room B 117-119 


Seagrass ecosystems: challenges in evaluating function, health, abundance and restoration (General)

SCI-110E | Room C 120-122
 10:15 - 12:00 PM 

Restoration for a changing climate

SCI-150 | Room A 105   

Coastal blue carbon ecosystems: current science and application to management efforts

SCI-142B | Room A 106  

The Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act: accomplishments and remaining challenges

SCI-143B | Room A 107-109


From data to information: harnessing observing data for ecological assessment and forecasting in coastal bays and estuaries

SCI-151 | Room B 110-112


Shellfish as a multiple use resource: activities, conflicts, and planning for resolution

SCI-145B | Room B 113

Applications of phytoplankton pigment-based methods in estuarine and coastal ecology

SCI-152 | Room B 114

Estuaries under threat: exploring the ecology of microbes in 21st century estuaries

SCI-153A | Room B 115

Defining tipping points to inform management of multiple stressors in marine ecosystems

SCI-154 | Room B 116

Coastal, estuarine, and marsh sedimentation during times of environmental change

SCI-155A | Room B 117-119


How can data synthesis be used to analyze seagrass resilience to climate change?

SCI-156 | Room C 120-122

1:30 - 3:00 PM

Data-informed adaptive management of coastal protection and restoration in Louisiana

SCI-157 | Room A 105  


Coastal blue carbon ecosystems: current science and application to management efforts

SCI-142C | Room A 106 


Emerging and legacy contaminants in coastal and estuarine systems

SCI-158A | Room A 107-109

Estuarine and coastal data-centric synthesis studies: case studies and pathways for moving forward

SCI-159 | Room B 110-112


Resilience of shellfish to current and emerging threats to estuarine condition

SCI-160A | Room B 113


Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuaries and coastal seas

SCI-107G | Room B 114


Estuaries under threat: exploring the ecology of microbes in 21st century estuaries

SCI-153B | Room B 115

Thresholds and feedback processes in coastal and estuarine systems

SCI-162 | Room B 116

Coastal, estuarine, and marsh sedimentation during times of environmental change

SCI-155B | Room B 117-119

Seagrass ecosystems: challenges in evaluating function, health, abundance and restoration (Functions)

SCI-110F | Room C 120-122

3:30 - 5:00 PM

Timing is everything: phenology in coastal marine ecosystems 

SCI-163 | Room A 105  


Evaluating restoration success: ecology, economy, and society

SCI-164A | Room A 106

Emerging and legacy contaminants in coastal and estuarine systems

SCI-158B | Room A 107-109

Advancing coastal science with robots

SCI-165 | Room B 110-112

Resilience of shellfish to current and emerging threats to estuarine condition

SCI-160B | Room B 113

Migratory bird management in estuaries and nearshore environments: opportunities and challenges

SCI-166 | Room B 114

Aquatic microbes: indicators of environmental changes

SCI-167 | Room B 115

Preserving aquatic ecosystem integrity in a changing environment

SCI-168 | Room B 116

Sea-level rise effects on salt marsh ecosystem function

SCI-169 | Room B 117-119

Seagrass ecosystems: challenges in evaluating function, health, abundance and restoration (Functions)

SCI-110G | Room C 120-122

Day 4 | Thursday, November 12

8:00 - 9:45 AM

Urban infrastructure impacts on estuarine physical and sedimentary processes

SCI-170 | Room A 105 

Evaluating restoration success: ecology, economy, and society

SCI-164B | Room A 106

Controlling eutrophication along the human and climatically-impacted freshwater-marine continuum: shifting problems and paradigms

SCI-171A | Room A 107-109 

Foodweb shifts in coastal systems: evidence and potential causes

SCI-172A | Room B 110-112 


SCI-173 | Room B 113 

Our virtual global estuary

SCI-174 | Room B 114

Geospatial and geomorphic advances for assessing marsh vulnerability to storms and sea level rise

SCI-175 | Room B 115 

Quantifying fluxes in estuaries: what is the state of the art?

SCI-176 | Room B 116 

Regime changes of estuarine and coastal system

SCI-177A | Room B 117-119 

Ecosystems and habitats: marsh

SCI-178A | Room  120-122 
10:15 - 12:00 PM

Evolution of estuaries through extreme events, development, and climate change

SCI-179A | Room A 105 

Evaluating restoration success: ecology, economy, and society

SCI-164C | Room A 106

Controlling eutrophication along the human and climatically-impacted freshwater-marine continuum: shifting problems and paradigms

SCI-171B | Room A 107-109

Foodweb shifts in coastal systems: evidence and potential causes

SCI-172B | Room B 110-112

Assessing activities of actors influencing marine environments

SCI-180 | Room B 113

Using a multiple model approach to inform watershed management

SCI-181A | Room B 114

Continuous, high-frequency, automated biogeochemical monitoring: what has been learned?

SCI-182 | Room B 115

Delta dynamics in the Anthropocene

SCI-183A | Room B 116

Regime changes of estuarine and coastal system

SCI-177B | Room B 117-119 

Ecosystems and habitats: marsh

SCI-178B | Room C 120-122
1:30 - 3:00 PM

Evolution of estuaries through extreme events, development, and climate change

SCI-179B | Room A 105  

Evaluating restoration success: ecology, economy, and society

SCI-164D | Room A 106   

Hypoxia and temperature as interactive multi-stressors in coastal ecosystems

SCI-184A | Room A 107-109

Assessing the status of estuary habitats for juvenile fish across California, Oregon, and Washington

SCI-185A | Room B 110-112

Triaging the coastal ocean

SCI-186A | Room B 113

Using a multiple model approach to inform watershed management

SCI-181B | Room B 114

Patterns and processes of contemporary change in tidal wetlands

SCI-187 | Room B 115

Delta dynamics in the Anthropocene

SCI-183B | Room B 116

Coastal inundation and its impacts in a changing climate

SCI-188A | Room B 117-119

Movement ecology of seagrasses

 SCI-189A | Room C 120-122
3:30 - 5:00 PM

A functioning, resilient San Francisco Estuary for the next century

SCI-190 | Room A 105

Evaluating restoration success: ecology, economy, and society

SCI-164E | Room A 106 

Hypoxia and temperature as interactive multi-stressors in coastal ecosystems

SCI-184B | Room A 107-109

Assessing the status of estuary habitats for juvenile fish across California, Oregon, and Washington

SCI-185B | Room B 110-112

Triaging the coastal ocean

SCI-186B | Room B 113

Ecological thresholds in Louisiana coastal wetlands and implications for restoration

SCI-191 | Room B 114

Best practices and tools for managing environmental sensor data

SCI-192 | Room B 115

Delta dynamics in the Anthropocene

SCI-183C | Room B 116

Coastal inundation and its impacts in a changing climate

SCI-188B | Room B 117-119 

Movement ecology of seagrasses

SCI-189B | Room C 120-122


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