Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Scientific Awards
Help us recognize excellence among our colleagues, mentors, and former students and nominate them for a Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Scientific Award. The nomination deadline is April 23, 2015. The procedures for submitting nominations vary slightly by award, please see below nomination procedure instructions. Please note that previous award recipients cannot be re-nominated. Nominations should be sent to the respective Cronin, Odum, and Niering award subcommittee Chairs identified below.
If you have questions regarding the awards procedure or nominations, please contact the CERF Scientific Awards Committee Chair, Paul Montagna.
Previous CERF Award Recipients >>
Cronin Award - Early Achievement | Past Recipients The Cronin Award is named for Dr. L. Eugene Cronin, Sr., the first president of ERF and a significant contributor to estuarine science and our organization. This award recognizes the significant accomplishments of an estuarine scientist who is in the early stages of their career development. The recipient will have shown great promise with work carried out during the first six years past the PhD.
Nomination Procedure: Send a letter that describes the major highlights of the nominee's qualifications and experiences and a full CV. The letter should not exceed five pages. Please include nominee’s name, title, institutional affiliation, phone numbers and email. In addition, one or two supporting letters (see suggestions under the Odum Award) are encouraged for this award.
Contact: Ken Dunton
Odum Award - Lifetime Achievement | Past Recipients The Odum Award is named for the three outstanding ecological scientists in the Odum family: Dr. Howard T. Odum; Dr. Eugene P. Odum; and Dr. William E. Odum, III. This award recognizes the lifetime achievements of an outstanding estuarine scientist whose sustained accomplishments have made important contributions to our understanding of estuaries and coastal ecosystems.
Nomination Procedure: Send a letter that describes the major highlights of the nominee's qualifications and experiences and a full CV. The letter should not exceed five pages. Please include nominee’s name, title, institutional affiliation, phone numbers and email. Supporting letters from students (former and/or current), colleagues (institutional and/or disciplinary), supervisors (chairs, deans, VPs, presidents) and/or community leaders/members may be included but are not required. No more than five supporting letters may be submitted.
Contact: Denise Breitburg
Pritchard Award - Physical Oceanography Paper | Past Recipients This award was established to honor Dr. Donald W. Pritchard, whose insightful research on the physical dynamics of coastal systems set the stage for much of the research in physical oceanography that is being conducted today. The Pritchard Award recognizes the author(s) of the best physical oceanography paper published in Estuaries and Coasts within the two-year interval between CERF conferences.
Nomination Procedure: All physical oceanography papers published in Estuaries and Coasts since the last conference are eligible for this award. No nominations are necessary for this award.
Contact: Neil Ganju
William A. Niering Outstanding Educator Award | Past Recipients To recognize the central role that education plays in achieving the objectives of our society, the Federation's Governing Board established an award named for a leader in estuarine education, Dr. William A. Niering. The Award is for an individual who has played a particularly important role in education at any level -- from primary school to the graduate level, inside or out of the classroom, or in the education of the general public through outreach activities.
Nomination Procedure:Nominations must include a supporting letter summarizing the nominee's strengths and noteworthy accomplishments. Please include nominee’s name, title, institutional affiliation, phone numbers and email. Also required are letters from: (a) at least two of the nominee's professional colleagues and (b) four former or current students. Contact: Linda Walters