Inclusive Leadership Program (CERF ILP)


Apply for the 2025-2026 Cohort


CERF recognizes that culture change can be led by people at all career stages but it is especially important at the senior level, where those currently in positions of power can ignite culture change while future leaders learn the skills and advance into leadership roles that allow them to sustain these changes. Often those selected for leadership roles do not receive formal leadership training to prepare for these roles and do not have training in multicultural practices, inclusive leadership, and change management that will lead to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive coastal and estuarine community. The lack of training is also a barrier for individuals in minoritized groups, which is ultimately a barrier to diversifying leadership. CERF believes that diverse leadership is key to successful and sustainable culture change efforts. 

The Inclusive Leadership Program (ILP) aims to bring together a diverse cohort of coastal and estuarine professionals in a dynamic learning community where all members participate in expert-led training while also learning from each other. ILP provides current leaders with the knowledge, skills, and mentorship needed to be more inclusive leaders and affect culture change now. Simultaneously, future leaders receive training and mentoring to close the confidence gap that forms on the path to leadership and equip them with the skills needed to become change agents as they grow into leadership roles. Three primary knowledge areas are diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) foundations; leadership skills; and capacity to drive change. Participants learn through self-reflection, group training and discussion, professional coaching sessions, and by developing and implementing projects and plans.

The 18-month program provides full financial support and a stipend to attend an in-person kick-off retreat in September, the biennial CERF conference, and a fall close-out retreat with regular virtual workshops, coaching sessions, and group discussions in between in-person events. 

You should apply if:

  • You are currently in a professional position (i.e., no longer a student) in coastal and marine science or management at any career level
  • You care about shaping the culture of coastal and marine sciences and management
  • You want to be an agent of positive change in coastal sciences and management
  • You want to grow your knowledge base about diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility (DEIJA)
  • You want to hone your leadership skills, expand your skills, or share your expertise with emerging leaders

You will gain:

  • Key insight into your own leadership style
  • New skills to help you in a future leadership position
  • Tools and strategies to manage conflict and become a DEIJA change agent An inclusive vocabulary for impactful communication and management
  • A personal commitment plan to make real change at your institution and beyond

How to Apply

Review the eligibility and application information on the 2025-2026 application page!

Learn More and Apply

Past ILP Cohorts


Q: I am not a professional in coastal and marine science, can I still apply?
A: If your profession is ocean-adjacent, you qualify for the program.

Q: What is the time commitment for the ILP virtual activities?
A: Two hours for the monthly virtual sessions.

Q: How many hours would be expected to dedicate to the program every month?
A: About 3-4 hours every month.

Q: Are there additional tasks in between meetings?
A: Yes, there is sometimes homework for workshops and participants will likely need to carve out time to work on their leadership projects.

Q: Should participants anticipate virtual workshops in addition to the monthly meetings?
A: No, monthly meetings will either be workshops or meetings, not both. 

Q: How long is the fall kickoff retreat? Is the retreat closely timed to the CERF conference?
A: The fall kickoff retreat is two full in-person days in September with travel days on either end. The CERF conference is a separate event in November, so the retreat and conference are two months apart.

Q: What exactly could the $300 stipend be used for?
A:  The stipend can be used for whatever purpose is needed. The idea is that you may need to take unpaid leave, pay for childcare, etc. when participating in the program and we want to help mitigate/minimize participation costs. We will not ask how the funds are used; everyone will receive them.

Q: What costs are covered by the program?
A: The program will cover travel costs for in-person events including airfare/mileage, baggage, ground transportation, hotel, and food plus the annual $300 stipend.