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CERF Achievement AwardsThe Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation recognizes excellence in and service to the fields of coastal and estuarine science, management, and education through several achievement awards. The recipients of these awards embody the mission of CERF to advance understanding and wise stewardship of estuarine and coastal ecosystems worldwide by promoting research in estuarine and coastal ecosystems; supporting the education of scientists, decision-makers, and the public; and facilitating communication among these groups. Awards are presented every two years in conjunction with the biennial conference. Nominations Process | Nominations Webinar | Canvasing Subcommittee | Awards Submit a NominationDeadline to nominate: 29 April 2025 The eight CERF Achievement Awards are: Past Recipients of CERF Achievement AwardsNominations ProcessNominations are open and being accepted through 29 April 2025. All awards are selected from a pool of nominees solicited from the community except the Pritchard Award, which is selected from all physical oceanography papers published in Estuaries and Coasts within the two-year interval between CERF conferences, and the Distinguished Service Award recipient who is selected by the CERF President. Beginning in 2022, CERF began reviewing and updating its procedures for achievement awards to ensure greater fairness, equity, accessibility, and transparency. The 2022-2023 Achievement Awards committee members and CERF leadership participated in a workshop to receive implicit bias training, learn about barriers and challenges with honors and awards programs, and to provide input on the awards process. In 2024, we built on the results of the workshop through an Equity in Awards Task Force which developed revised standard operating procedures for the achievement awards process. We thank Mary Ann Holmes and LaToya Myles, co-authors (with Blair Schneider) of the paper “Diversity and equality in honours and awards programs – steps towards a fair representation of membership” for their input and facilitation of the workshop, ACCESS+ (Amplifying the Alliance to Catalyze Change for Equity in STEM Success) for funding a mini-grant to CERF to support these efforts, and the numerous volunteers and task force members who have helped us examine and revise our procedures. Beginning with the 2025 Achievement Awards, we are phasing in modifications to the process based on this work, with additional changes to be made each biennium. This is an ongoing, adaptive effort and CERF is committed to continual improvement. If you have suggestions, please contact the CERF office ([email protected]). Each award has slightly different nomination package requirements; these are detailed under the description of each award below. The following are some general guidelines:
The CERF President, in consultation with the Governing Board and Inclusive Culture Council, selects an Achievement Award Committee Chair to oversee the achievement award process each biennium. This “Chair of Chairs” will then appoint committees for each award. Award Committees will comprise a diverse pool of volunteers and consist of a chair and at least four additional members. The committees will assess nominations based on a standard rubric. All committee members will be required to complete training on implicit bias and related subjects before they are permitted to evaluate nominees. Kim de Mutsert, 2025 Awards Committee Chair of Chairs
How to Prepare a Strong Awards Nomination: Advice for NominatorsPresented by the CERF Achievement Awards Canvassing Subcommittee Thursday 3 April | 3:00 PM ET | FREE Have you ever thought about nominating a colleague for a CERF Achievement Awards and weren’t sure how to get started? Or are you currently working on a nomination and want advice on preparing a strong package? Members of the CERF Awards Canvassing Committee will describe opportunities and best practices for award nominations and answer your questions. Achievement awards recognize and celebrate contributions to coastal and estuarine science, management, and education. Barriers in the awards nomination process, including time and institutional support or culture, limit the pool of nominees and therefore the breadth of potential award recipients. This webinar discussion aims to demystify the nomination process and support new nominators. Register NowCanvassing SubcommitteeThe 2025 Canvassing Committee Chair is Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert, Stockton University. The charge of the Achievement Awards Canvassing Subcommittee is to increase the number and diversity of nominations for the six CERF Achievement Awards that receive nominations:
The Canvassing Committee came from a recommendation of the Equity in Awards Task Force described above. As noted in Holmes et al. (2020), there are many biases in nominations, barriers that disadvantage or deter some qualified candidates from being nominated, or steps in the process that motivates some over others to nominate. One way to broaden the nomination pool is to create a canvassing committee “to serve as scouts for potential awardees.” The Canvassing Committee may achieve its charge identifying nominators and nominees, providing assistance in crafting nomination packages, and offering training and resources for potential nominators to ensure a diverse pool of candidates. Achievement AwardsOdum Award for Lifetime Achievement | Past Recipients The 2025 Odum Award Committee Chair is John Callaway, San Francisco University. Submit a NominationThe Odum Award is named for the three outstanding ecological scientists in the Odum family: Dr. Howard T. Odum; Dr. Eugene P. Odum; and Dr. William E. Odum, III. This award recognizes the lifetime achievements of an outstanding estuarine scientist. It honors an individual whose record of sustained accomplishments has made important contributions to our understanding of estuaries and coastal ecosystems. The following documents and information are required to be submitted via the nominations submission portal:
Items 3-5 must be uploaded as a single PDF file with documents in the listed order and the following naming convention: Odum.NomineeFirstName.NomineeLastName In the event that you are unable to upload files to the submission portal, please contact the CERF office ([email protected]) for alternative submission options. Cronin Award for Early Achievement | Past Recipients The 2025 Cronin Award Committee Chair is Hamed Moftakhari, The University of Alabama. Submit a NominationThe Cronin Award is named for Dr. L. Eugene Cronin, Sr., the first president of the Estuarine Research Federation (ERF) and a significant contributor to estuarine science and our organization. This award recognizes the significant accomplishments of an estuarine scientist who is in the early stages of their career development. The recipient will have shown great promise with work carried out during the first six years past the completion of their PhD. The following documents and information are required to be submitted via the nominations submission portal:
Items 3-5 must be uploaded as a single PDF file with documents in the listed order and the following naming convention: Cronin.NomineeFirstName.NomineeLastName In the event that you are unable to upload files to the submission portal, please contact the CERF office ([email protected]) for alternative submission options. Pritchard Award for Outstanding Physical Oceanography Paper | Past Recipients The 2025 Pritchard Award Committee Chair is Sohaib Alahmed, Halff Engineering and Architecture Firm. This award was established to honor Dr. Donald W. Pritchard, whose insightful research on the physical dynamics of coastal systems set the stage for much of the research in physical oceanography that is being conducted today. The Pritchard Award recognizes the author(s) of the best physical oceanography paper published in Estuaries and Coasts within the two-year interval between CERF conferences. All physical oceanography papers published in Estuaries and Coasts since the last conference are eligible for this award. No nominations are accepted for this award. Niering Award for Outstanding Educator | Past Recipients The 2025 Niering Award Committee Chair is Ashley Bulseco, University of New Hampshire. Submit a NominationTo recognize the central role that education plays in achieving the objectives of our society, the Federation's Governing Board established an award named for a leader in estuarine education, Dr. William A. Niering. The Award is for an individual who has played a particularly important role in education at any level -- from primary school to the graduate level, inside or out of the classroom, or in the education of the general public through outreach activities. The following documents and information are required to be submitted via the nominations submission portal:
Items 3-5 must be uploaded as a single PDF file with documents in the listed order and the following naming convention: Niering.NomineeFirstName.NomineeLastName In the event that you are unable to upload files to the submission portal, please contact the CERF office ([email protected]) for alternative submission options. Davidson Award for Individual Stewardship Achievement | Past Recipients The 2025 Davidson Award Committee Chair is Chanda Littles, US Army Corps of Engineers, Oregon. Submit a NominationThis award was established to honor Margaret A. Davidson's distinguished career in coastal resource management and her support of the application of science to the wise stewardship of estuaries and coasts. The Davidson award recognizes an individual that demonstrates extraordinary leadership, service, innovation, and commitment to the management of estuarine and coastal systems. Other CERF awards focus on research and education excellence; this award will recognize those who have worked in the estuarine and coastal arena and excelled in management and policy. Nominees are expected to have demonstrated at least 10 years of extraordinary leadership, service, innovation, and commitment to the management of estuarine and coastal systems. Career contributions may include application of science toward management and policy activities, translation and outreach of findings to engage with citizens and partners, and promoting stewardship of estuarine and coastal systems. The following documents and information are required to be submitted via the nominations submission portal:
Items 3-5 must be uploaded as a single PDF file with documents in the listed order and the following naming convention: Davidson.NomineeFirstName.NomineeLastName In the event that you are unable to upload files to the submission portal, please contact the CERF office ([email protected]) for alternative submission options. Coastal Stewardship Award for Organizational Stewardship Achievement | Past Recipients The 2025 Coastal Stewardship Award Committee Chair is Geno Olmi, NOAA. Submit a NominationCERF established the Coastal Stewardship Award to honor notable achievements in promoting the wise management of estuarine and coastal systems. This award recognizes specific projects, programs and organizations for their exemplary stewardship activities, including success in management, policy, restoration, and conservation efforts. CERF appreciates the multiple scales at which impacts may be achieved; accordingly, the Coastal Stewardship Awards are occasional awards and may represent a hierarchy of recognition at CERF biennial conferences. If given, one or more awards of recognition could be presented biennially in association with the CERF conferences. Nominees may be any clearly-defined organization (or consortia), including non-profits, governmental agencies, academic institutions, volunteer groups, and the for-profit sector. In addition, sub-units within an organization may be nominated (e.g., office within an agency; department within an academic institution). The organization may be located anywhere in the world, and of any size. The following documents and information are required to be submitted via the nominations submission portal:
Items 3 and 4 must be uploaded as a single PDF file with documents in the listed order and the following naming convention: CoastalStewardship.NomineeOrganizationName In the event that you are unable to upload files to the submission portal, please contact the CERF office ([email protected]) for alternative submission options. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Champion Award | Past Recipients The 2025 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Champion Award Committee Chair is Paola López-Duarte, Portland State University. Submit a NominationThis award recognizes the significant contributions of an individual who has worked for greater diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in estuarine and coastal science, management, education, and/or stewardship. It honors a person who demonstrates exceptional long-term or emerging leadership and commitment to the principles and ideals of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion and to positive change. Individuals from any career stage may be nominated for this award. The following documents and information are required to be submitted via the nominations submission portal:
Items 3-5 must be uploaded as a single PDF file with documents in the listed order and the following naming convention: DEIJ.NomineeFirstName.NomineeLastName In the event that you are unable to upload files to the submission portal, please contact the CERF office ([email protected]) for alternative submission options. Distinguished Service Award | Past Recipients The Distinguished Service Award recipient is selected by the CERF President for their exceptional volunteer service to the Federation. No nominations are accepted for this award. |