Call for Nominations for 2025–2027 Governing Board

Deadline to Submit Is 19 December 2024

We invite you to submit nominations for the 2025–2027 CERF Governing Board, to be led by current President-Elect Sharon Herzka.

Submit Your Nomination

CERF is soliciting nominations for our next:

  • President-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Two Members-at-Large
  • Student Member-at-Large.

Serving on the Governing Board is a fantastic way to expand your network, influence CERF programs and activities to ensure they meet the needs of you and your colleagues, determine the future direction of the federation, develop leadership and other new skills, and have a lot of fun! The board generally meets four times per year (two short virtual meetings and two in-person meetings ranging from one to two days), and Board members typically serve on at least one CERF committee in addition to their role on the board. Detailed responsibilities are listed below.

No prior experience is necessary to serve on the board; any member may serve if they are dedicated to advancing our mission. The federation is committed to fostering greater diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility (DEIJA) in all the work we do and throughout all levels of the organization, including CERF leadership. We particularly encourage nominations that reflect individual differences in social identity such as race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity and expression, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, and socioeconomic background, as well as differences in discipline, career path, and life experience. We best serve our mission when our board is representative of the diversity of our membership and the coastal communities we serve.

Board service is a volunteer position; CERF covers travel costs to attend in-person meetings not associated with the biennial conference and partial funding for board meetings held at the conference. Participating on the board also provides opportunities to receive professional training in inclusive leadership, meeting facilitation, and other skills relevant to your career.

Want to learn more about the board and whether you would be a good fit? We will be hosting a webinar to give a brief overview of the board and how it functions, as well as testimonials from board members about why they ran and what they have gotten out of their service, with plenty of time for Q&A. Details on the date, time, and registration for the webinar will be emailed to all members and we will post a recording for those who cannot attend. We also encourage you to reach out to current or past board members to get insight on these rewarding and engaging volunteer positions! 

CERF’s Rising TIDES (Toward an Inclusive, Diverse, and Enriched Society) program is a multifaceted approach to enhancing the diversity and inclusion of our scientific society and CERF conferences. Through the Broadening Participation Comprehensive Plan, CERF has committed to promote diversity throughout all levels of the organization, including CERF leadership. Nominations are particularly encouraged that reflect individual differences in social identity such as race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity and expression, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, and socioeconomic background, as well as differences in discipline, career path, and life experience.

Please contact Leila HamdanNominations Committee Chair, with any questions.

How to Submit Your Nomination

Please send nominations through the online form before the 19 December 2024 deadline. We welcome self-nominations; if you are nominating a colleague, please obtain their consent so we know all nominees are willing to serve if elected. All candidates for election will be required to attest they have upheld and will continue to uphold the CERF Code of Ethics.

Submit Your Nomination

All Governing Board members at the time of appointment must be voting members in good standing of the Federation. Please review the member benefits to confirm your voting status based on your membership type.

Learn More About Each Position Below:

All Governing Board Members

  • Carry out the affairs and purposes of the Federation; legal and fiduciary responsibility for the overall planning, management, and oversight of the Federation
  • Attend all Board and Business meetings
  • Attend the Biennial Conference and provide visible leadership at key events, including the opening and closing receptions, student career event, and with sponsors and exhibitors
  • Chair and/or participate in committees or ad hoc assignments
  • Promote the goals of the Federation and encourage students, friends, and colleagues to become and remain members of the Federation and to participate in its activities
  • Approve allocation of funds via approval of the biennial budget or by resolution
  • General oversight of the journal, conference, and membership activities
  • May change the number of at-large members or appoint such additional ex officio, nonvoting members of the Board as deemed necessary


  • Assumes the duties of the President in the President’s absence
  • Serves as the President if the elected President is unable to complete the full term of office
  • Assumes other duties as assigned by the President
  • Accedes to the position of President at the end of the two-year elect term (see below)


  • Prepares and distributes the minutes of all Governing Board and Business meetings
  • Provides a list of action items and the responsible person after each Board meeting; may bring forward unfinished action items at future meetings
  • Sees that all notices are duly given in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws
  • Authenticates records of the Federation
  • Serves a two-year term


  • Represent the full spectrum of the interests of the membership
  • Serve on one or more committees or perform special duties for the Federation as appointed by the President
  • Serve four-year staggered terms (except Student Member at large who serves a two-year term)
  • Student Member-at-Large candidate must be a student at the time of their nomination


  • Chair of the Governing Board; presides at all meetings
  • Presides over the Annual Business Meeting, which provides an account of the state of the Federation to the Membership
  • Supervises and provides direction to the Executive Director
  • Appoints all committees and committee chairs, provides oversight of and direction to all committees, and maintains dialogue between committees and the Board
  • With concurrence from the Board, appoints the Biennial Conference Chair(s)
  • Represents the Federation (or designates a representative) in outreach to other organizations in support of the conference, journal, and other Federation activities
  • Represents the Federation (or designates a representative) to affiliated organizations (e.g., Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies), and in invitations to or discussions with other organizations for new collaborations
  • Writes a message to the membership in each issue of the newsletter
  • Provides remarks at the Biennial Conference and presides over key events
  • Coordinates the solicitation of reports from Board members and committees for submission to the Board prior to each meeting
  • Undertakes the role of Past President upon expiration of their presidential term (see below)

Past President

  • Assists the President as needed
  • Chairs the Nominations Committee
  • Provides continuity to the Governing Board

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Please contact Leila Hamdan, Nominations Committee Chair, with any questions.


The members of the CERF Nominations and Leadership Development Committee are:


Zach Darnell, University of Southern Mississippi
Allison Fitzgerald, New Jersey City University
Bob Howarth, Cornell University
James O’Donnell, University of Connecticut
Tianyin Ouyang, University of Delaware
Joey Reustle, Hampton University
Michael Sievers, Griffith University
Jamie Vaudrey, University of Connecticut
Jan Walker, SCCWRP