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CERF 2019 Workshop:
Engaging in Coastal Science After Retirement: Brainstorming Options and Opportunities
Holly Greening and Rich Batiuk
Date: Sunday, 3 November Time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM Regular: $30 Student: $20
About this Workshop:
Are you retired or thinking about retirement, but aren’t ready to completely hang up your coastal and estuarine science hat? Is your agency/company/university/NGO looking for ways to tap in to recently retired coastal scientists, watershed managers and other experienced CERF members? Come join this interactive three-hour workshop to hear from CERF members who have made the retirement transition into a “second life;” learn about opportunities after retirement from agencies, universities, NGOs and private companies eager to tap into expertise from retiring CERF members; and share ideas about how CERF can encourage linking retiring scientists and entities wishing to engage them. Lightning talks (five minutes max) from retired CERF members will highlight various ways they are continuing to engage in coastal science and management.
Presentation topics will include:
- Volunteering time and expertise for coastal science and management organizations
- Forming LLCs to provide their expertise for agencies or private companies
- Working part time with private companies
- Working part time or on specific projects with universities or agencies
- Finally writing that book!
- Serving on non-profit boards and advisory committees
Confirmed lightening presenters include Rich Batiuk, Paul Stacey, Don Boesch, Joy Bartholomew, and Irv Mendelssohn. Following lightning talks from retired CERF members, entities who are interested in tapping into the experience and expertise of retiring CERF scientists and managers will provide lightning-talk opportunities, including those from Academic institutions, NGOs, Agencies, Private companies and entities. Following the lightning talks, the workshop presenters will have an opportunity to ask questions and start an interactive dialog about how CERF can encourage linking retiring scientists and entities wishing to engage them. The target audience for this proposed workshop is broad, and includes retired CERF members, those planning to retire within the next 10 years, people who may be interested in engaging the expertise and experience of retiring CERF scientists and managers, and those who are interested in exploring how CERF can encourage linking retiring scientists and entities wishing to engage them.
About the Presenters:
Holly Greening recently retired from the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, where she served as Senior Scientist (1991–2007) and Executive Director (2008–2018). A member of CERF since 1978, she has authored more than 25 peer-reviewed publications with a focus on estuarine ecology and collaborative watershed management and is the recipient of regional and national awards for coastal stewardship.
Rich Batiuk was the Associate Director for Science, Analysis, and Implementation at the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Chesapeake Bay Program Office located in Annapolis, Maryland. In his 33 years with EPA and the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership, he led the integration of science into multi-partner policy-making and collaborative decision-making.